
Is There an Alternative to International Adoption?

Although international adoption at times looks like a rewarding experience for both the adoptive parents and the adopted child/children, international adoption should be the exception not the norm. There are many alternatives which can be done locally before jumping...

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Why International Adoption Causes Corruption?

International adoption corruption has been a growing problem for decades, that corruption is hurting children, their biological families, and the adopting parents alike. The corruption ranges from fraudulent documents to child trafficking and everything in between. In...

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Lets Do Something About Child Trafficking

Children are trafficked from all over the world in the name of International Adoption. The traffickers operate under an umbrella of good Christian names, hiding their mischiefs within the Christian names they give their Companies or organizations. They call themselves Orphanages, Adoption Agencies and such…but behind the seen their sin is unspeakable.

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