The crime against innocent children has too many faces and one of the crimes in this day and age is Child Trafficking in the name of International Adoption. International Adoption Corruption has become the crime of this century; that is sophisticated and disguised under so many different umbrellas of deceiving organizational names.

I, just like you, have a burning desire to stop the new trends that has been created by the existence of orphanages that lie, steal, and hand children to unfit for parenthood criminals who can afford to buy children in an open market all in the name of international adoption. Poor countries and poor families around the world has fallen victims to this crime for over a half a century.

I also want to stop the counterparts to the crime against innocent children adoption agencies, who with cooperation of local orphanages, make money from innocent children with no regard to what could happen to the children once they are transferred to the so called adopting parents.

Countries where the children are trafficked from may be economically poor, but they managed to raise their own orphans, until very recently the crazy idea of creating orphanages start to pop up and start to grow like weeds as people found it being profitable. Then, comes the adoption agencies to be the middlemen to ship children from orphanages to who knows where… 

Sadly, one of the child trafficking crime victim country happens to be my own motherland Ethiopia. Ethiopians had managed to live lives without this so called orphanages and adoption agencies for 3,000 years. What happen to our pride? Why don’t we take care of our own orphans ourselves as we have done for thousands of years? No orphan came to this world without having blood relatives who could support his/her basic needs. That was the way we raised orphans, extended families took care of the orphan in the family. Now,children have become commodities, they are sold and bought in the name of international adoption.

More and more families are given the option to drop off children at orphanages and having them be adopted internationally. The corruption is rampant, people were sold the pie in the sky of having their children sent to Europe and America, where they will have a better life and good education. Is that all that matters?

If anyone cares to give a better life to an orphan child or orphan children, they don’t have to take them outside of their country to help them or to meet their basic needs. Anyone can sponsor and support the needs of children while they live with their own blood relatives and without leaving their place of birth and being forced to lose everything that matters to human beings. Food and warm shower even good education does not justify taking children across continents.

I am writing this post to compel to you, to encourage you and to invite you to get involved in the fight to end this shameful crime against innocent children and their trusting biological families. Let us fight child trafficking in the name of international adoption. Together let us end international adoption corruption!

About The Author                                                                                  

 Roman Akafate, Author, Motivational/Inspirational Speaker, Real Estate Agent and Internet Marketer
”The Ethiopian Orphan who Beat the Odds and Achieved Success In America”. I am a real-life proof of overcoming adversities and achieving success way beyond human imagination. I am now in a quest to help people overcome their adversities and achieve success. Sign up to receive insights, tips, strategies, and helpful directions and guides I have for you… by visiting my website at