International adoption corruption has been a growing problem for decades, that corruption is hurting children, their biological families, and the adopting parents alike. The corruption ranges from fraudulent documents to child trafficking and everything in between. In this article, we will discuss the major problems associated with international adoption corruption and how it is impacting all parties involved.

  1. Fraudulent Documents: One of the most common forms of international adoption corruption is the use of fraudulent documents. This can include falsifying birth certificates, adoption documents, and other important paperwork. This can have a devastating effect on both the child and the adopting family as it can lead to a child being taken away from their biological families or the adopting family not receiving the correct information about the child’s background.

2. Child Trafficking: Another major problem associated with international adoption corruption is child trafficking. This is when children are taken from their biological families and sold to adoptive parents for a large sum of money. This is a major violation of human rights and can have a devastating effect on the child’s life.

3. Lack of Transparency: Another issue with international adoption corruption is the lack of transparency. Adopting parents often don’t       know for sure where their child or children are coming from or who their biological parents are. This can lead to a feeling of uncertainty and can make the adoption process more difficult and more suspicious.

4. Exploitation of Biological Families: Another problem with international adoption corruption is the exploitation of biological families. In some cases, biological families are coerced into giving up their children for adoption or are not given enough information about the process. This can have a devastating effect on the family and can lead to a feeling of betrayal and loss.

5. Exploitation of Adopting Families: Finally, international adoption corruption can also lead to the exploitation of adopting families. In some cases, adopting families are not given the full picture of the child’s background or are not given enough information about the process. This may cause deceit for all parties involved.

International adoption corruption is a serious problem that is hurting children, their biological families, and the adopting parents alike. It is important to be aware of the problem and to take steps to ensure that all parties involved are treated fairly and ethically. By doing so, we can help ensure that all children are given the best chance to grow feeling secured loved and successful in  life.