Is There an Alternative to International Adoption?

Although international adoption at times looks like a rewarding experience for both the adoptive parents and the adopted child/children, international adoption should be the exception not the norm. There are many alternatives which can be done locally before jumping...

Why International Adoption Causes Corruption?

International adoption corruption has been a growing problem for decades, that corruption is hurting children, their biological families, and the adopting parents alike. The corruption ranges from fraudulent documents to child trafficking and everything in between. In...
International Adoption shall be the last option not the Norm!

International Adoption shall be the last option not the Norm!

In International Adoption Corruption Circle… Children are used as commodities lawfully being sold and bought on international market, all in the name of International adoption. Most people think international adoption is a saving grace children in poor countries...

Lets Do Something About Child Trafficking

I am always a work in progress and always being creative and Innovative to match my skills to what life and time demands. Overcoming adversity and winning life in America is never easy but it can be done if we thrive to learn new things and uncover our own potential....