In International Adoption Corruption Circle…

Children are used as commodities lawfully being sold and bought on international market, all in the name of International adoption. Most people think international adoption is a saving grace children in poor countries are praying for and eagerly waiting for. The truth is, no child needs to be adopted internationally when all they needed is their basic necessities taking care of exactly where they are at, in their own countries and within their own biological families.
If anyone has the heart and the resources to help poor children in poor countries, let he/she help to feed, dress, educate and assist with the health care needs of those children than opening opportunities for corrupted orphanages and cruel adoption agencies who really don’t care about the children but their own lucrative open up shops to sale children to their highest bidder which possibly could as well be child trafficker.

If you don’t know the truth behind the Trade and the Trend of International Adoption…their is tons of information out on cyberspace go ahead read and become aware of this heinous crime. You can also read my book international adoption corruption to gain insights to what is going on behind the seen. We all need to be aware of international adoption corruption but also we all need to stand against child trafficking in the name of adoption.

As global citizens we all have responsibilities to protect innocent and vulnerable children and their poor biological families from harm. Please be a voice to voiceless children and end international adoptions corruptions. To know more and to become well aware please visit our website at Thanks