Although international adoption at times looks like a rewarding experience for both the adoptive parents and the adopted child/children, international adoption should be the exception not the norm. There are many alternatives which can be done locally before jumping the wagon to ship children off shores through the international adoption process. Of course, orphanages and adoption agencies are in the business of transacting children for thousands of dollars per head and they don’t want to look at or think of other alternatives; regardless there are plenty of other alternatives.

Some of the alternatives in which orphan children could be helped locally include…

  • providing financial support to extended families: like grandparents, aunts and uncles, big sisters or brothers, extended relatives who might not have much to take in and to care for a child or children who lost their parents, but if assisted financially, who may be more than willing to take care of their own orphaned family members.
  • Another alternative is local adoption: Adoption within the larger local community as opposed to sending children off shores would mean children would grow up with and near their relatives, they grow up within their community, culture and heritage and they grow up in their own country. This means a lot to humanity!
  • Another alternative to international adoption is to volunteer with local nonprofit organizations that genuinely and diligently work to protect the safety and security of children: Supporting those who advocate for children’s rights may help greatly to minimize deceitful adoption practices. Another way to prevent children from corrupted orphanages and adoption agencies whose business is to sale poor children to rich adopting parents off shores is, to work with local government, especially with women and children protective services.
Providing Financial Support
  • Orphanages and local families who provide foster homes who are not focused on shipping children internationally all in the name of international adoption, if provided financial support, they too can provide needed services to children in need without resorting to international adoption. Those who have genuine interest in helping orphaned children can donate money, closing, school supplies, create a means to let the children have access to healthcare etc. There are so many ways to help orphaned children before considering international adoption which should always be the last option.
Volunteering with Local Organizations
  • Education is the key, volunteering with local organizations that work to protect children’s rights is another way to help support children in need. This can include volunteering at orphanages as well as advocating for children in the local community and within the local government and creating awareness about international adoption corruption and how to prevent it has to be thought to the community.
Advocating for Children’s Rights
  • Advocating for children’s rights is one way to help support children in need. This can include advocating for all children’s rights in general or advocating for orphaned children. Advocating for laws and policies that protect children’s rights is a way to protect children from harm.

Creating awareness about international adoption corruption, being a voice for the voiceless orphans and their poor biological families is an important work. Creating awareness of the dark side of international adoption, providing financial support to local organizations who are not in the business to profit from international adoption, volunteering with local nonprofit organizations and the local government, and advocating for children’s rights, we all can help support children in need and protect them from falling in the hands of those who are focused on shipping children abroad in exchange for money, lots of money…