I am always a work in progress and always being creative and Innovative to match my skills to what life and time demands. Overcoming adversity and winning life in America is never easy but it can be done if we thrive to learn new things and uncover our own potential.

I have not been posting blogs as I should. I apologize for that!   I have been occupied between my regular jobs, family responsibilities, trying to be a voice for child trafficking victims and being active in my own country’s never ending turmoil politics. To say the least, child trafficking issues shook me from my core for the last several years. It hurts to know that children are being bought and sold in an open market all in the name of International Adoption. Child trafficking in the name of international adoption has gone rampant in recent years and not too many people are aware of it. Talk about overcoming adversity, even children face adversities with nobody there to protect them or to help them win their lives back.

Within the last few years, my time, energy and focus has been invested in creating awareness about child trafficking problems. I am especially concerned about this issue because my own mother land, Ethiopia was one of the major target countries for child abductors and child traffickers all in the name of international adoption. That is, until our voice was heard by the Ethiopian Government and International Adoption from Ethiopia is completely stopped.

Children are trafficked from all over the world in the name of International Adoption. The traffickers operate under an umbrella of good Christian names, hiding their mischiefs within the Christian names they give their Companies or organizations. They call themselves Orphanages, Adoption Agencies and such…but behind the seen their sin is unspeakable.

My country Ethiopia had fallen a victim and had become one of the major target countries for International Adoption and so many innocent fellow Ethiopians have faced the most difficult adversities and suffered from loss of their innocent children because of the heinous crimes that goes on under the cover name so called international adoption. So many families have lost children to the cruel criminals who prey on their victims by opening shops in poor countries and in poor small scale farm communities who really can’t even read or write what the agencies are having them sign.

The criminals cheat and steal children from poor and uneducated people, innocent people who could easily fall for the lies so called Orphanages and Adoption Agencies convincingly tell their victims. Once the child traffickers and child abductors convince the poor to trust them with their children, they turnaround and sell the children for tens of thousands of dollars to the best buyer.

In continuation of their lie, deceit and cheating practices, the criminal agencies call all the children they sell “Orphans”, knowing majority of the children that are being adopted have both parents alive. Those who might have lost parents, they at least have one parent or have an extended families who could take care of them. It is and was Ethiopian tradition for thousands of years that extended families take care of orphans when there is death of parents.

As human family we all should become aware and stand and fight the criminals who do commit child trafficking crimes against children and their innocent and trusting families. Creating awareness was what I was up to, being a voice for voiceless children and their poor and uneducated parents. Overcoming adversity and winning life is not always about oneself but also standing and helping others to overcome their adversities.

About The Author

I am “The Ethiopian Orphan who Beat the Odds and Achieved Success In America”. I am a real life proof of overcoming adversities and achieving success. Now, I am in a quest to help others overcome their adversities and achieve success. Sign up to receive insights, tips, strategies, helpful directions and guides.